Wednesday, October 24, 2012

     So who likes Post apocalyptic shows?  I for sure know I do.  But how come it's that none of them do very well?  Hmm?  I've thought this out, and researched it...and I've found that it comes down to one thing..."hope."
     I've been developing a narrative TV show, set in the post apocalypse.  In my research for it all, I've been looking at What works and what doesn't work.  And like I said, it all boils down to hope.
     Shows start to get old real fast when there is no hope.  The audience doesn't like seeing, week after week, death and desolation over and over again.  We, naturally, are a hopefully people.  We like happy endings.
    A shows like AMC's "The Walking Dead," is going to run into that problem.  Week after week, the characters fight off zombies or evil humans.  They've even established that there is an utter hopelessness , with everyone being infected.  This will eventually get old, and the audience will die out.
   On the other hand, a post apocalyptic show with way too much hope just comes off cheesey.  NBC's new show, "Revolution," is a post apocalyptic show with no apocalypse.  No mass terror or mass death.  All that happened is that electricity stopped working.  Not only that, but they established that someone in this world has the ability to bring electricity back; killing any hopeless feeling the show needed.
     Now, I know you're reading this going, "David, I thought hope was a good thing?"  And it is...but we've all heard the old adage, "too much of a good thing kills."  And this is evidently true.  A post apocalyptic show needs a perfect balance of hopelessness and desolation.  But at the same time, needs hope that it will eventually get better.
     Yes, this is more of a personal rant, because I truly love the whole post apocalyptic setting.  As mentioned before, I'm even developing a TV show I'm trying to pitch based on a few short films I shot. But back to point, what I'm trying to get across is quality.  If things are done correctly, and if they're thought're going to have a great thing on your hands.

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