Thursday, November 1, 2012

Lets get it right the first time!

     So, anyone else get really frustrated when a movie is made on something that has such potential to be amazing, but turns out to be complete and utter crap?  'Cause I sure as hell do.  Anyone who's ever seen "The Last Airbender," knows that the movie had such great source material to be a great movie.  Yet it wasn't?  Why is that?  Why can't Hollywood seem to get it right?  It's really not that hard.  I don't know if it's a lack of creativity, or the wrong people being in charge-but it's a problem.
     I come from the strong belief that if the story is shit, don't shoot it.  If you don't have a good story, you can't move on from there.  If you get the story right from the beginning, you're half way there.  If you just get it right from the beginning, you'll not only save your audiences feelings, but you'll save money.  When movies aren't made correctly and have to go through re-shoots, everyone loses.  The studios lose so much money.  For example, the new G.I. Joe sequel, "G.I. Joe: Retaliation," was shot, edited, and about to be released.  It failed so badly with test audiences, that the studio was forced to go back and reshoot nearly the entire movie.  They just made one movie for the price of two...not smart.
     The same thing happened with the movie adaptation of the book, "World War Z;" a story about the zombie apocalypse, told through character testimonies.  Now, a movie going through reshoots is a common thing, but they usually last no longer than a week or two.  World War Z is going through 7 weeks of reshoots, nearly crippling the production and blowing the budget out of proportion.
     I've said before, and I'll say it again...if you make it right from the beginning, you won't find yourself in troubled water.  I'm waiting for Hollywood to figure this out.  Maybe they can't.  Maybe it's going to take new upcoming filmmakers to take control and bring the film industry back to it's glory days.  We shall definitely see.

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