Sunday, November 11, 2012

     So I know I'm a little late on the subject, but hey!  I feel I should talk about this momentous landmark in film history.  Disney has bought Lucasfilm ltd. for about 4.05 Billion dollars.  Not only that, but George Lucas has sold all subsidiary companies as well, including ILM and Skywalker Sound.
     I've seen a lot of griping and whining online about this, but honestly...I'm stoked.  I'm so excited that this has happened.  George Lucas gave us one of the greatest franchises ever, but then singlehandedly ruined it as well.  His original trilogy is something of a classic.  But with the release of his prequel trilogy, he seemed to water down the story for the sake of merchandising profit.  Now, a lot of fans hold a huge grudge against him for being one of them.  So the fact that Disney has bought Star Wars gives us a great opportunity to finally see a new Star Wars film, in the hands of someone else...someone maybe better suited for the job than ol' Georgey.
     On this topic, some more news has arisen!  Disney has signed on a screenwriter for Star Wars Episode VII.  Disney has chosen Michael Arndt (Toy Story 3, Little Miss Sunshine) to pen out the new Star Wars Film.  It's said that Arndt's script will be looked at and treated by several big name directors, including Brad Bird, J. J. Abrams and Steven Spielberg.  It's also been reported that some of the original actors from the first trilogy have stated interest in reprising their roles.
     I'm definitely excited to see the new Star Wars films.  Especially ones that have the possibility of being directed by some of the great directors mentioned above.  I think this is a great thing to happen to one of the greatest franchises out there.

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