Wednesday, January 9, 2013

JJ Abrams: Humanitarian?

     So a lot of the industry people in Hollywood are known to be success hungry sharks, who are really only interested in getting ahead and staying ahead.  As this is more or less true, (it's what keeps the industry alive and evolving) it's not entirely true of everyone.  JJ Abrams, director of the 2009 Star Trek movie, has always been known as a fun-loving, kid at heart kind of director.  But who'd a thought this talented filmmaker would also have a soft spot for one of his fans.   Over the past week it had been reported, according to The Hollywood Reporter, that a man by the name of Daniel Craft, who had been diagnosed with terminal cancer had made one last request before his inevitable death.  He wished that he could see the new Star Trek: Into Darkness film, by JJ Abrams, before he died.  Abrams got wind of this and found the man.  He personally showed him a finished rough cut of the film, as the man's story hit him in the heart.
     JJ Abrams and the film's producer showed up at Craft's door with a copy of the film and watched it with him.  It was reported, unfortunately, that Daniel Craft died a few weeks after his special viewing.  This is really awesome, I think.  I like seeing Hollywood personally attending to it's fans.  It is the fans that keep us in business.  It's nice to see that Mr. Craft's sickness allowed him to achieve his once last wish.  I definitely applaud Mr. Abrams, and would hope to see more charitable actions like this by many other industry people.  I would feel honored if someone's last wish was to watch a film I was working on, and I would do everything I could to make that a reality.  So again, kudos JJ get the "thumbs-up" seal of approval.

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